
Boots Traditional Cold Cream...

September 03, 2012

Traditional Cold Cream! (£2.99)

Ever since I saw this in Boots it has always made me wonder what it actually is...I done a lot of research on this product before I brought it...and to my surprise this cream is loved by many celebrities...Kimberly Walsh from Girls alous swears by it...well that was it ...I was sold.

Ive been using this cream for about a month now...I can honestly say thats its deffiantly a multi-use product...you can use it as a cleanser....makeup remover (very soft on the eyes) or a moisturiser...i pretty much use it for everything haha!

Its very gentle to use when taking makeup off....some times I use it all over my face then use a hot cloth to remove the rest...it really has done wonders for my skin...its hard to get used to as a moisturiser tho as its a very thick cream...so it feels quite greasy at first but the next day I woke up and my face was so soft and it didnt brake me out in spots which is always a bonus!

I couldnt believe how cheap it was aswell...£2.99...what a bargain! The pot is large so I reckon this will last me a long time :) Reviews are very good for this product and seems to have a very loyal following..which I am now joining ! yay! :)

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